What’s better than a beautiful evening in Madison? A beautiful evening aboard one of Madison’s Betty Lou Cruise Ships with Trent Harmon playing a show. We were lucky enough to get all of the above. Check it out!

As I’m sitting here looking at this week’s Wisconsin forecast, I can’t stop questioning myself on why. Why do I live in this state that hits all 4 seasons in a week? Why am I not somewhere warm all the time. And then I remember I don’t handle heat well and I love Wisconsin. So […]

Meet Mitchell: School: Madison LaFolletteFavorite Food: RiceDream School: UCLADream Job: Something in the ArtsHidden Talent: Drawing

Meet Jenny: School: Madison LaFolletteFavorite Food: Ice Cream(Her dad said her hidden talent is spending money)Favorite Class: StatisticsDream Car: 1970 Dodge Challenger5 Words that Describe You:  Smart, Funny, Caring, Honest, Perfectionist

Meet Davis: School: McFarlandFavorite Food: LobsterDream School: Ferris StateHobbies: Hockey, CarsWords to Describe You: Outgoing, Handful, Confident, Communicator

Meet Anton: School: Madison LaFolletteFavorite Food: Mac ‘n Cheese (good choice Anton, good choice)Hidden Talent: 3D ModelingSports + Clubs: Volleyball, Bowling, Tennis, Science Olympiad,Dream Car: 1967 Z28 Camero

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