Bobby Bones and the Raging Idiots made their return to Madison last weekend! Along with their crew, they brought along up and coming artists Jackie Lee, Bailey Bryan and Aubrie Sellers.
So I guess you could say I’m really bad at keeping up on this whole blog thing. Whoops. Sometimes life happens and I forget to. Well, I shot Shake the Lake again this year, and I posted some pictures on Facebook, but I thought I should add some here, since I didn’t want to bombard […]
Calvin was straight to the point and refused to crack a smile, but it’s okay because he kills the game with the smirk. Meet Calvin: School: Madison La Follette Hidden Talent: Metal working Favorite Class: Art Metals Person you most want to meet: Elon Musk – CEO of Tesla Motors 5 Words that Describe You: […]
Ashley braved the wind and totally rocked her session at Pope Farm. Also, Ashley is probably one of the smartest and sweetest girls I have ever met. Prepare to see her do big things in the years to come! Meet Ashley: School: Madison La FolletteFavorite Food: Ice CreamDream Job: Biomedical EngineerHidden Talent: She knows 70 […]
Anna is the the girl who’s full of energy and up for anything (even if it involves standing about a half of inch from falling in the water.) She’s incredibly athletic and it’s awesome. Meet Anna: School: Madison La FolletteDream Job: CardioligsitFavorite Food: RibsFavorite High School Memory: Football GamesFavorite App on Your Phone: SnapChat
Oh, Danielle is a sassy, very involved and driven young woman. She had me laughing the whole night and amazed at every extra curricular she participates in. Meet Danielle: School: Madison La FolletteFavorite Food: Chicken Bacon Ranch Mac n’ CheeseDream Job: President of the United StatesFavorite High School Memory: HOSA NationalsFavorite Song: Anything Country5 Words […]
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