Let me tell you about Samantha.
Samantha has always been a strong willed woman with some of the best humor. In fact, the entire Tadych family is actually hilarious. Just over 2 years ago they were thrown a major curve ball and Samantha ended up in the hospital and it turned into quite a lengthy stay and resulted in her losing both of her forearms and hands, her lower right leg and they’re still working on her left foot.
And after all that she continues to be strong willed and to be completely honest, a total badass. She walked down the isle at her sister’s wedding last fall. She makes some beautiful artwork and is writing a children’s book and planning to do the illustrations for it. And this week she is getting ready to teach summer school.
If you’re interested about her story and want to learn more or donate, you can find herGoFundMe here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/6w66b-support-our-samantha
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